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HomeBlogUnderstanding Pakistan's Budget In Simples Words

Understanding Pakistan’s Budget In Simples Words

BY Daniyal Khatri

Pakistan’s national budget is like a big plan that shows how the government will spend and get money in the upcoming year. It’s a bit like planning your family’s budget for a whole year!

Income and Spending

Income (Money Coming In)

The government gets money from different places:

  • Taxes: Just like your parents pay taxes on their salary, businesses and people in Pakistan pay taxes to the government.
  • Borrowing: Sometimes, when the government needs more money, it borrows from banks or even from other countries.
  • Selling Stuff: The government also earns money by selling things like electricity, gas, and other services.

Spending (Money Going Out)

The government spends its money on many things:

  • Schools, hospitals, and roads: Just like your school needs money for books and teachers, the government spends on building schools, hospitals, and roads.
  • Defense: The government also spends money to keep the country safe. This includes paying soldiers and buying equipment.
  • Salaries: The government pays salaries to people who work for it, like teachers, doctors, and police officers.
  • Subsidies: To help people, especially when prices are high, the government gives money to reduce the cost of things like electricity and food.

Important Budget Items

Capital Receipts (Money Coming In):

  • This includes the money the government gets from selling things, recovering loans, and other sources.

    Current Expenditure (Money Going Out):

    • This is the money spent on day-to-day things like salaries, pensions, and running the government.


    • The government gives money to reduce the cost of electricity, food, and other essential things. This helps people save money, especially when prices are high.

    Public Debt:

    • Just like your parents might have a loan for a house or a car, the government also borrows money. It’s used for big projects like building roads or improving schools.

    What It Means for You

    Understanding the budget helps you know:

    • How the government is planning to spend your tax money.
    • Why certain services like healthcare and education are important.
    • How subsidies can help you and your family during tough times.
    • Why it’s important for the government to manage its money wisely.

    In summary, Pakistan’s budget is like a family plan for spending and saving money. It affects everyone in the country, from schools and hospitals to the prices you pay for everyday things. Understanding it helps you see how the government works to improve your life and the lives of others.


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